FROM THE BOOK JACKET: The deja vu is strong for 25-year-old former kid detective Charlotte Illes when she lands back in Frencham Middle School--this time as a substitute teacher with a sideline in sleuthing--in the second zany mystery based on the much-loved TikTok web series from @katiefliesaway.

For fans of Poker Face, Knives Out, Elle Cosimano's Finlay Donovan Series, and anyone seeking to satisfy their Harriet the Spy, Encyclopedia Brown, or Nancy Drew nostalgia!

Mention "returning to the scene of a crime," and people don't usually picture a middle school. But that's where kid detective Lottie Illes enjoyed some of her greatest successes, solving mysteries and winning acclaim--before the world of adult responsibilities came crashing in...

Twentysomething Charlotte is now back in the classroom, this time as a substitute teacher. However, as much as she's tried to escape the shadow of her younger self, others haven't forgotten about Lottie. In fact, a fellow teacher is hoping for help discovering the culprit behind anonymous threats being sent to her and her aunt, who's running for reelection to the Board of Education.

At first, Charlotte assumes the messages are a harmless prank. But maybe it's a good thing she left a detective kit hidden in the band room storage closet all those years ago--just in case. Because the threats are escalating, and it's clear that untangling mysteries isn't child's play anymore...

Kate Siegel - IMDbABOUT THE AUTHOR: Katie Siegel is a former wannabe child detective who eventually realized that writing mysteries was more fun than trying (and failing) to solve them. In addition to writing the Charlotte Illes books and creating content for @KatieFliesAway on Tiktok, Instagram, and Youtube, she writes and produces the fantasy radio advice show podcast, Dear Liisphyra. She graduated from Rutgers University with a degree in journalism and currently lives in New Jersey.

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